All you need for your structured MRI report according to –RADS

Kai Vilanova. Girona, Spain.
Carlo C. Quattrocchi. Trento, Italy.









CISMed – Centro Interdipartimentale di Scienze Mediche
Palazzo Consolati, via S. Maria Maddalena 1
Trento – 38122, Italy



Since 1993, Reporting and Data Systems (RADS), firstly proposed by the American College of Radiology, have proliferated as a standardized methodology for reporting on imaging findings. Among others, RADS apply to findings in MRI and are meant to reduce the variability in diagnostic reports, to facilitate communication in radiology and to provide a framework for clinical decision and patient management.

Despite the effort that has been done, only few have been implemented into clinical practice while the most are not yet generally used or their impact have been underestimated without any documented evidence on efficacy and efficiency in the MRI workflow.

The implementation of RADS requires standard terminology, probability-based diagnostic approach, image assessment finalized to categorization, structured reporting.

In addition, the fast evolving world of MRI and its nature as a multiparametric modality require constant monitoring of RADS and eventually adaptations for accuracy improvement.


Target Audience

Radiologists, Fellows, Residents who are interested in structured reporting in MRI, Clinical oncologists and Radiology Directors and Mentors who want to discover the full potential of available RADS scoring systems in MRI as well as their limitations and implement RADS scoring systems in their institutions for diagnosis and patient management.


As a result of attending the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the state-of-the-art of all currently available RADS in MRI
  • Discover the purpose of the developed MRI RADS and how it affects clinical decision
  • Interact with referring clinicians on challenging cases and uncertainty
  • Discuss on image interpretation and error mitigation approaches
  • Integrate the RADS in the standard MRI reports
  • Recognize the opportunities as well as the limitations and challenges of scoring systems

Course Description

The live training course is organized to allow leaders who have long-time experience in the use of the specific RADS scoring system to give a 90 minute training course of definite and conflictual interactive cases. A total of 18 hours of interactive cases is planned through the whole course.

EACCME® credits

We are pleased to inform you that your application for EACCME® accreditation of School of MRI of the ESMRMB The MRI-RADS in 10 cases, Trento, Italy 02/11/2023 – 03/11/2023 has been granted 16.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).


  • Dr. Nicolò Cardobi. Verona, Italy

  • Prof. Mirko D’Onofrio, Verona, Italy
  • Dr. Luigi Grazioli, Brescia, Italy
  • Dr. Marinella Neri, Trento, Italy
  • Prof. Emilio Quaia, Padua, Italy
  • Prof. Carlo C. Quattrocchi, Trento, Italy
  • Dr. Carlo C. Quattrocchi. Trento, Italy
  • Dr. Valeria Panebianco. Rome, Italy
  • Dr. Giuseppe Petralia. Milan, Italy
  • Dr. Kai Vilanova. Girona, Spain
  • Dr. Michael Hoch. Philadelphia, USA
  • Dr. Patrick Asbach. Berlin, Germany
  • Dr. Minerva Becker. Genève, Switzerland
  • Dr. Francesco Sardanelli. Milan, Italy
  • Dr. Emilio Quaia. Padua, Italy
  • Dr. Benedetta Gui. Rome, Italy
  • Dr. Aarti Shah. Basingstoke, United Kingdom
  • Dr. Carlo A. Mallio. Rome, Italy


08:00 – 08:30 Registration
SESSION I Moderator: Marinella Neri (Trento, IT)
08:30 – 10:00 BT-RADS in 10 cases
Michael Hoch (Philadelphia, USA) 
10:00 – 11:30 NI-RADS in 10 cases
Minerva Becker (Genève, CH)
11:30 – 12:00 Coffe break
12:00 – 13:30 BI-RADS in 10 cases
Francesco Sardanelli (Milan, IT)
13:30 – 13:45 Role of contrast agents in MRI-RADS: always needed?
Carlo C. Quattrocchi (Trento, IT)
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch
SESSION II Moderator: Emilio Quaia (Padua, IT)
14:30 – 16:00 LI-RADS  in 10 cases
Luigi Grazioli (Brescia, IT)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 O-RADS in 10 cases
Benedetta Gui (Rome, IT)
18:00 – 19:30 VI-RADS in 10 cases
Emanuele Messina (Rome, IT)
SESSION III Moderator: Kai Vilanova (Girona, ES)
8:30 – 10:00 PI-RADS in 10 cases
Nicolò Cardobi (Verona, IT)
10:00 – 11:30 MET-RADS  in 10 cases
Giuseppe Petralia (Milan, IT)
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:30 Bone-RADS  in 10 cases
Kai Vilanova (Girona, ES)
13:30 – 13:45 Challenges and opportunities of GPT-based models for structured reporting in MRI
Carlo A. Mallio (Rome, IT)
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch
SESSION IV Moderator: Mirko D’Onofrio (Verona, IT)
14:30 – 16:00 MY-RADS in 10 cases
Aarti Shah (Basingstoke, UK)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 Node-RADS in 10 cases
Patrick Asbach (Berlin, DE)
18:00 – 19:30 Onco-RADS in 10 cases
Giuseppe Petralia (Milan, IT)


  • Registrations and booking will be made only from the Course website. 
  • During the registration process you can choose between on site or online attendance. 
  • Registrations will be confirmed once the payment is credited to our account and the Secretariat confirm it by email sending the corresponding invoice.
Early fee (extended until Sept 15)
On site or online attendance
Late  fee
On site or online attendance
Member ESMRMB* 250 350
Member ESR* 350 450
Non member 400 500
Young Trainee Member ESMRMB* * 150 250
Young Trainee Member ESR** 250 350
Young Trainee Non Member 300 400

VAT not included

* requires to provide a proof of membership and status

** The age limit for the registration as young trainee is set at 35 years (incl. the age of 35).


HOTEL Double Single Use Double
Grand Hotel Trento 4* € 118 € 128
Hotel America 4* € 116 € 160
Ricevimento Hi Hotels 3* € 100 € 110

TOURIST TAX Double Single Use Double
Grand Hotel Trento 4* € 2.50 € 5.00
Hotel America 4* € 2.50 € 5.00
Ricevimento Hi Hotels 3* € 2.00 € 4.00

Rates per night. Bed & Breakfast.

Grand Hotel Trento 4*

Pza. Dante, 20, 38122 Trento TN, Italia

Hotel located 7 minutes walking to the Course venue. The hotel is near the heart of Trento and very close to Piazza Dante. Rooms are wood style. Wi-Fi is free. 

Hotel America 4*

Via Torre Verde, 50, 38122, Trento TN, Italia

Hotel located 5 minutes walking to the Course venue. The hotel is near the old town of Trento and very close to Buonconsiglio Castle. Some rooms offer old town views. Wi-Fi is free. 

Ricevimento Hi Hotels 3*

Via Torre d’Augusto, 25, 38122, Trento TN, Italia

Hotel located 8 minutes walking to the Course venue. The hotel is less than 1km from the Cathedral and very close to the train station. Rooms are classic style. Wi-Fi is free. 


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